Because this isn't the NFR and we are a
volunteer-run organization:
All members will compete based on their age as of Sept 30,2024.
Registration fees must be paid and signed and completed forms/ waivers for both FCCRS and OAS must be received prior to allowing member to participate in any FCCRS event.
Helmet protocol follows the High River Ag Society guidelines
Rider safety and control are critical. Riders and parents who do not have control of their mounts will be asked to dismount and leave the arena.
Safety in the Staging Area:
No running, riders must sit properly while mounted
Parents are expected to monitor their children while mounted.
Unattended horses are not allowed anywhere in the staging area. “Extra” or multiple mounts can be tied up at trailers until required in the arena.
Red ribbons are required on the tails of horses that kick. Horses that kick should be situated with butts to the wall or tied outside.
Unnecessary roughness or abuse of animals will not be tolerated. Offenders will be asked to leave the arena immediately and in the event of severe or repeated abuse will be asked to leave the club.
An AGLC Raffle is held annually. Any member may opt out of the fundraising by writing a cheque at time of registration for $500.00 per child.
Any member who has not met their fundraising obligation will not be eligible for year end prizes.
Every Member is required to participate in the raffle/ fundraising sales consisting of one (2) raffles.
Each member (child) in a family is responsible to sell a minimum of $200.00 worth of tickets for each raffle.
Mandatory Volunteering
All members and parents are expected to volunteer during our events. If volunteer/ raffle commitments are not met, the member’s points will be taken away so that they are not eligible for year end awards or prizes.
We have a number of volunteer positions available during all FCCRS events, which include: Arena gate, Announcing, Timers, Flaggers, Set Up Crew, Take Down Crew, Rakers, Goat Holders, Horse Holders for Goat Events, Clean Up Crew- Lobby, Bleachers, Alley, Arena, Bathroom, etc.
All families need to help for FCCRS to be successful.
Incidents of bullying fellow members will not be tolerated. Incidents of parents bullying other members or board members will not be tolerated. You and your child will be asked to leave the club without financial reimbursement.
The events follow High School Rodeo Rules.
A & B Groups will be set up by Dec 31.
For all awards, points will be calculated from rider's 7 best runs during the regular season. Finals and the Cowboy Christmas Celebration are not considered a “regular” Rodeos.
Members who miss their name being announced or who are not in the arena at the start of their run will be given a no time.
Members must ride with their appropriate age group.
To qualify for the year end awards you must attend more than 50% of scheduled Rodeos.
As per previous years; To qualify for year end awards, members must ride their usual mount in more than 50% of the scheduled Rodeos (4 of 7) - Excluding Finals.
All members are required to have their own equipment in any event they compete in.
Every Member is required to participate in the raffle/ fundraising sales consisting of one (or 2) raffles.
Each member (child) in a family is responsible to sell a minimum of $200.00 worth of tickets for each raffle.
Western Attire is MANDATORY.

Every Member is required to participate in the raffle/ fundraising sales by selling a minimum number of tickets. Any member may opt out of the fundraising by writing a cheque at time of registration for $500.00 per child .Any member who has not met their fundraising obligation will not be eligible for year end prizes.
Mandatory Volunteering
All members and parents are expected to volunteer during our events. Volunteers are needed as Flaggers, Set Up Crew, Take Down Crew, Rakers, Goat Holders, Horse Holders for Goat Events and Clean Up Crew.
We need all families helping in order to make FCCRS events a success!!!
Clinic Dates
Clinic Prices & Dates TBD
*Must be an FCCRS member to participate.
Clinic #1 -
Clinic #2 -
All grievances must be submitted in writing, via email at info@futurecowboysandcowgirls.com for review by the board of directors. The complaint will be addressed at the next monthly board meeting.